Friday, October 14, 2022

This coming Monday is our Trunk or Treat party! Both parents and scouts should come dressed in their favorite costume! Please try not to scare the little ones though! 

Gold Rush is next weekend!!!!!  Information has been emailed out to everyone attending.  We can't wait to have fun with our Pack....and the other 1150 people coming!  

We will have our regular den meetings on the 24th. There will be no meeting on Oct 31 so that our kids can do trick or treating on their own.

There are still a few spots left for NASA. I am closing down the sign up form as we are getting real close to our max number. If you haven't signed up but would like to attend please email me and we'll check availability.

2022 Webelos Woods

Webelos Woods is open to all Arrow of Light (5th grade) Scouts in the Palmetto Council up to a course maximum of 48 youth participants. This course aims to help Arrow of Light Scouts and their families understand the workings of a Scouts BSA Troop and how they will fit within the structure of their Troop using the Patrol Method. Each participant is requried to have a parent/guardian attend. If you have multiple Scouts attending from your family, only 1 parent is required. A BSA Medical form is mandatory (Parts A & B). This is available for download on the right side of this screen.

The course will be held at Bethelwoods Camp, November 18-20, 2022. Once you are registered, you'll receive communication from the course leadership regarding check-in times and packing lists. All Scouts, and any parent who is a registered member of the Palmetto Council, should arrive in Field Uniform for check-in and the opening ceremony. All registrations must be received no later than November 1, 2022.

When: November 18-20, 2022
Where: Bethelwoods Camp - 922 W. Mt. Gallant Road, York, SC  29745

  • AOL Scout & Parent: $85
  • AOL Only - $50
  • Staff Fee - $20

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